Autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata)

Autumn olive 
(Elaeagnus umbellata)

Autumn olive, Elaeagnus umbellata
Young plants grown in 7 cm pots, about 15 - 30 cm high

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Autumn olives are attractive large shrubs or shrubby trees, which are increasing in popularity in recent times with good reason. 

With shimmery-green foliage the autmn olive is a hardy nitrogen fixer, easy to grow reaching to about 4 - 5 m in time and a reliable cropper even for us here in Wales.  It requires nothing special in the way of soil but will be more productive the more sun it gets. 

Flowering usually through the late summer the fruit is usually ready here in Wales through October/November giving a rare opportunity to pick and eat something fresh when most things are over.
The unusual berries are about 8 mm round, dark red with silvery speckles and very pleasant when fully ripe, much used either raw or preserved. They are also said to have many health giving properties and would certainly be a worth- while addition to any diet.

Our plants have proved to be self-fertile! 
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